Channels: Broadcasting Done Right

UPD: See Channels 2.0 for info on links to posts, silent messages and admin signatures.

Today we are introducing Channels, a new tool for broadcasting your messages to large audiences. Channels replace the old Broadcast lists and are better in every way. They can have an unlimited number of members, they can be public with a permanent URL and each post in a channel has its own view counter.

Views from forwarded copies of your messages will be included in the total count. Last but not least, new members can see the entire message history in a channel once they join — all the way to day one.

If you'd like an example, join our official Telegram channel to get notified about our updates, or try creating your own channels from the ‘New Message’ menu.

iOS 9 Notifications

In other good news, we‘ve added Quick Replies from notifications, which are now supported on iOS 9 devices. This means you can reply to messages in Telegram, directly from your iPhone’s lock screen. Split View and more iOS 9 features will become available in early October.

Unfortunately, due to a bug in iOS 9, it is currently not possible to display the input field for Quick Replies right away — you‘ll need to press the ’Reply' button in order for it to appear. Quick replies will work as expected when iOS 9.1 is released with the relevant bugfixes.

Photo Editor

The in-app Photo Editor for iOS was updated with tools to adjust an image's tint, fade, and curves. The existing shadows and highlights tools default to 50% and are now functional in both directions.

September 22, 2015
The Telegram Team

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